
Whom it May Concern

     We Guardforce Cash Solutions Security (Thailand) Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “Company” or “we” or “our”), use closed-circuit television (CCTV) in and around our premises to monitor a specific space for the safety and security of our premises, assets, staff, customers and visitors. This privacy notice provides information on our collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data collected in our use of CCTV. We may update this notice from time to time to ensure their compliance with relevant laws. Nonetheless, if there are any improvements, changes or rectifications, the Company shall notify such improvements, changes or rectifications.

1. Types of Personal Data We Collected

Our CCTV captures images of all individuals and their belongings entering the monitored area in or around our premises and facilities and may collect photos or videos of you.

2. How We Process Your Personal Data

2.1 We may collect, use, disclose, or process your personal data, for the following purposes:

  • To protect individuals’ life, body, health, personal safety, and belongings;
  • To protect and prevent our premises, facilities and assets from damage, disruption, vandalism, and other crime;
  • To support law enforcement agencies in the prevention, detection, and prosecution of crime and to act as a deterrent against crime;
  • To assist in the effective resolution of disputes which arise in the course of disciplinary or grievance proceedings;
  • To assist in the investigation or proceedings concerning a whistleblowing complaint.

2.2 Our CCTV is in operation 24 hours a day, except in case of system failure or maintenance.
2.3 We place appropriate signage in the monitored areas to alert you that a CCTV installation is in use and your personal data is recorded.

3. หลักเกณฑ์หรือฐานทางกฎหมาย / Legal Bases

We may collect, use, disclose, or process your personal data on any of the following legal bases.

  • Vital interest. The collection, use, disclosure, or processing is necessary for the prevention or suppression of a danger to a person's life, body, or health.
  • Legitimate interest. It is in our legitimate interest to collect, use, disclose, or process, your personal data to achieve any of the purposes described above.
  • Legal obligations. We owe a duty to comply with the legal obligations prescribed by the applicable laws, including but not limited to the laws regarding safety and environment in the workplace. We consider the use of CCTV as a necessary measure to enable us to meet those obligations.
4. Disclosure of Your Personal Data to Third Parties

4.1 We may disclose your personal data to third parties (including our affiliates and service providers) if we consider that the disclosure is necessary for the purposes described above4.2 We may disclose your personal data to law enforcement agencies if the disclosure is necessary for compliance with our legal obligations and to support or assist them in the prevention, detection, and prosecution of crime.

5. Period for retention of personal data

Company shall retain your personal data for the period necessary for the purposes of the collection, use or disclosure of personal data set out in this Privacy Notice. The criteria for determination of retention period are the period necessary for Company to utilize your personal data in accordance with the purposes and it shall be further retained pursuant to the period necessary for the compliance with laws or the statutory prescription period, or for the establishment, compliance, exercise or defense of legal claim, or for other reasons pursuant to the internal policies and rules in the organization of Company.

6. Your rights as the owner of personal data

As the owner of personal data, you have the rights as prescribed in the Personal Data Protection Act B.E 2562 (2019). In this respect, you can request to exercise your relevant rights through the channels specified by Company in Clause 8. In this respect, your relevant rights shall have details as follows:

  6.1 Right to withdraw consent

In case that Company requests for your consent, you shall have the right to withdraw the consent for the Processing of your personal data that has already given to Company unless such withdrawal of consent is restricted by laws or by the agreement that provides you the benefits. Nevertheless, such withdrawal of consent shall not affect the Processing of personal data legally conducted according to your prior consent.

  6.2 Right to access to personal data

You have the right to request for an access to and the request for the copy of your personal data under control of Company, including to request Company to disclose the acquisition of such data that you have not given consent to Company.

  6.3 Right to request for the submission or the transfer of personal data

You have the right to request Company to transfer your personal data that you have given to Company as prescribed by laws.

  6.4 Right to object the collection, use or disclosure of personal data

You have the right to object the Processing of data relating to you in respect of the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data as prescribed by laws.

  6.5 Right to request for the erasure of personal data

You have the right to request Company to delete your personal data as prescribed by laws. Nevertheless, Company may store your personal data using electronic system pursuant to which some systems may be unable to delete the data, and for such case, Company shall destroy or cause such data to be unable to identify your identity.

  6.6 Right to request the restriction of the use of personal data

You have the right to request Company to restrict the use of your personal data as prescribed by laws.

  6.7 Right to request for the rectification of personal data

If you found that the data controlled by Company is incorrect or you have changed your personal data, you have the right to request Company to correct your personal data so that such personal data be accurate, current, complete and not causing misunderstanding.

  6.8 Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent officers under the Personal Data Protection Act B.E 2562 (2019) in case that Company breaches or does not comply with such Act.

7. Amendment of this Privacy Notice

We may amend and update this Privacy Notice from time to time, and if there is such amendment, we will keep you posted through Company’s website and/or inform you via email. If it is necessary to request for your consent, we will proceed to request additional consent from you.

8. Contact channels

If you have question or require further details concerning the protection of your personal data, the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data, the exercising of your rights or if you have any complaint, you can contact Company as per the following channels:

Attention : Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Email : PDPAcenter@guardforcecash.co.th

Address : PDPA Center Guardforce Cash Solutions Security (Thailand) Company Limited No.96 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Talad Bangkhen Sub - District, Laksi District, Bangkok 10210

Telephone : 02 973 6000 Ext 333 or 339

For your acknowledgement



Mr. Chu Kwok Wing
Managing Director

ร่วมงาน กับเรา


COPYRIGHT © 2022 Guardforce Cash Solutions Security (Thailand) Limited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.